How To Properly Care For A Bike Crankset

A machine is a device that transmits or
modifies energy to help you perform a task. Therefore, a bike is
the machine of machines. It helps you uniquely explore the world,
getting you from point A to point B in what is the most efficient
way possible by your own means. However, like any machine, a bike
is system of moving parts, and in order for it to work to the best
of its ability, these parts need to be properly maintained.
A bicycle is not a cheap
item, therefore, it's critical to make sure you are taking proper
care of it. From storing it in the garage to keeping up with
regular maintenance intervals, there are a wide array of things you
should do to ensure your ride is always running properly.
While you can always rely on your local bike shop to fix and
maintain your bicycle, sometimes you just want to make the repairs
on your own. Even though some components on a bike might be foreign
objects to you as far as how they work and how they should be
properly maintained, that doesn't mean you can't take some tasks on
by yourself. Not having to pay a mechanic for labor might be worth
the extra effort to do repairs on your own. One part of the bike
you can definitely maintain yourself is the bike's crankset.
The crankset includes all the parts between the bike's two
pedals. It's the
mechanism that you power to go forward, the chain, the wheels, and
the pedals. As these are some of the most essential parts of the
bike, you'll want to make sure they are functioning properly, and
if any issues do arise, that you are properly caring for them.
Assessing The Crankset

First you'll want to check your crankset
for damage or looseness. Look for any dents, cracks or bending of
this system. Simply grabbing it and giving it a shake will help you
determine if anything is out of place. If it's loose, you'll need
to make some adjustments. A bike's axle should always spin
effortlessly. Lifting the bike off the ground and giving the pedals
a spin will also help you determine whether this system is working
properly. If anything is rubbing or you hear grinding, the crankset
is likely loose and it's time to get the tools out.
More serious issues with a crankset would include cracking or
bending. It's likely you'll be able to see this damage. However,
just to be safe, spin the pedals and see if the crankset moves back
and forth on its own. If there's even the slightest motion or a
pedal doesn't easily spin, the crankset is probably bent. The only
solution here will be replacing your cranket, unless you are
extremely good with fabricating metal. It's probably a good idea to
have a bike serviced before replacing the crankset, in case a
professional could work their magic. You'll also want to look at
the teeth of your gears and chain. If any of
these are worn or bent, it might be time to replace them.
Even if you are not handy, you are capable of properly caring for
your crankset. If you noticed that this system is loose, fixing it
could be as easy as tightening crank bolts with an Allen wrench.
Over time, bolts can become loose, causing a crankset to wiggle.
This could lead to a number of issues, so it's important to make
sure everything is tight before heading out on a ride.
Fixing a crankset could be as easy as tightening a bolt. However,
more glaring problems might be present, like if any of the metal is
bent. This could mean parts need to be replaced before a bike will
function again. However, if the crankset spins smoothly and nothing
appears to be wobbling, it's likely undamaged and safe for
What To Look For And How To Clean

First, you'll want to inspect a crankset to ensure
it's not broken. The best way to do this is to wiggle the system
and see if anything falls off or is loose. Some simple tightening
could be just the remedy for making sure everything is working
It's also important to check for rust. The crankset is low to the
ground and is therefore susceptible to dirt and grime. The tires
kick up mud that gets all over your crankset, and before you know
it, you have rust and other gunk clogging up your gears.
This could forever change your outlook on soda, but soaking metal
in cola can be the best way to getting rust off. A crankset could
look brand new after a Coke bath. However, other cleaning products are
available to help you deal with rust, although they might be more
expensive than a six pack of Pepsi.
First, you'll need to take apart the crankset, before soaking it in
cleaning solution. For this step, it's critical to remember what
parts go where. Be sure to remember how you got each piece off, so
you can put it back on. From there, you'll have individual pieces
that can easily be cleaned. One of the best cleaning utensils for a
crankset is a toothbrush, so for a couple dollars, you can properly
maintain this part of your bike.
Preventative Maintenance Is Key

The best way to care for anything - a
vehicle, house or bike - is to do it regularly. Practicing
preventative maintenance is the best way to avoid any issues down
the road.
That means when you see dirt or grime caught in your crankset, you
should clean it up. Over time, any debris can damage a crankset,
causing it to rust or rub with other parts of the bike. Cleaning a
crankset is as easy as wiping it with a cloth after a ride.
However, a toothbrush is another great tool for really getting in
there and cleaning this system.
The best bet to caring for a bike's crankset is to make sure it's
always dry and clean. Taking care of any issues after a ride will
save you plenty of hassle later on. Wiping a chain down is much
easier and cheaper than having to go out and buy a new crankset.