5 Reasons To Buy A Naked Bike

Chaparral Motorsports
February 1, 2019
Last Updated: September 2, 2020

Here at Chaparral Motorsports, we've been in the business of selling everything to do with all sorts of motorcycles for over 30 years. That is why we believe we are in an excellent position to recommend our favorite types of bikes and gear to our friends and customers. The standard or naked bike as there are often called, is one of our favorites for both new and experienced motorcycle riders. These stripped-down, bare-bones bikes mark the epitome of what riding a motorcycle is all about - rider and machine working together to have a blast! Here we will list our top 5 reasons we think buying a naked bike is right for just about anyone who wants to get back to the basics and ride for the sheer joy of it.

Reason #5: Easy To Handle

KTM 790 Duke

Boiling a bike down to its essence of a frame, gas tank, wheels, and an engine makes it much lighter than its overburdened counterparts with their fairings, windshields, saddlebags, and numerous other accessories. Due to the immutable laws of physics, lighter bikes are generally easier to handle. Less mass means the bike takes turns with less effort, stops with ease and forgives the rider for not being an expert (yet!).

You will undoubtedly appreciate the maneuverability of a naked bike whether it is your first ride or your one-thousandth. Standing while holding the bike doesn't require you to have super strength and that makes starting and stopping virtually stress free. You may also find that sitting up straight in the seat instead of leaning back or forward helps increase your visibility and makes you a better driver.

Reason #4: Low Maintenance

Kawasaki Z900

If you have ever had a fully-loaded street bike, you may have noticed that more parts mean more things that can break. Fairings and body panels are notorious for getting cracked, scratched or broken. Windscreens create problems when they get cloudy or scratched. Electronic accessories like automatically adjustable mirrors and heated handgrips always seem to malfunction at the worst possible time.

With a stripped-down bike, you won't have those kinds of problems. You can concentrate on getting your engine running at top efficiency and not have to worry about all the bells and whistles. One fundamental rule of thumb that is hard to refute is: "simplicity saves time." Having less to repair or replace will help you have more time to do what you bought the bike for in the first place - ride!

Reason #3: Fast

Kawasaki Z900

Now we are getting to the fun stuff-speed! Let's face it, people like to ride fast. So, if you are a person, that apparently includes you. Now, we're not advocating anything dangerous or illegal, but given the right circumstances, there is nothing wrong with seeing what your bike can do.

The lightweight design of a naked bike gives the engine less to pull, so it doesn't have to work as hard to accelerate. For you, that means quick take offs and incredible top speeds. With that being said, drive safely and responsible at all times. Motorcycling is supposed to be fun, so let's keep it safe.

Reason #2: Cool as Heck

2019 Honda CB650R

Less panels and body work means more exposed bits, which are really cool to look at and study. With a Naked bike you get a good view of the integral components of a motorcycle, the frame and drive train. Mandy naked bikes have a very industrial and mechanical look to them which pushes to the forefront what these really are-motorized machines. And for those that are really interested in how things work or how the parts of a motorcycle fit and work together, a naked bike offers the best view.

Reason #1: Easy on the Budget

KTM 790 Duke

Now we have reached what we believe to be the number one reason people choose to buy naked bike, the price. With fewer added features, the bikes typically cost less than the fully loaded models. The lower price makes these bikes an excellent choice for beginning riders who may want to ride for a while before deciding to lay down some serious money. Even for those of you who have been riding for some time might like extra spending money left over for niceties like a new helmet or motorcycle boots after buying a bike.

A standard/naked bike will do everything an enhanced version will do, but without all the expensive froufrou. If you decide you can forego the extras, getting a naked or standard bike is a great way to ride without breaking the bank.

Ride With Chaparral

So, there you have it, our top five reasons to buy a naked/standard motorcycle. And, if you like to ride, remember that Chaparral Motorsports sells everything you need to ride motorcycles in comfort, style and safety. You can even buy or finance a new or used motorcycle, ATV or side-by-side from us. We are authorized to sell many of the best brands available, and we have all styles for every taste. Call us at 1-800-81-2960 or contact us online.

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