Tech Tips: How To Change Your Fork Springs Presented By Vital MX
If you are not happy with the performance of your dirt bike
suspension and have tried all the different rebound and compression
adjustments you may need to consider what's going on inside. The
compression and rebound adjusters on a dirt bike fork have limits as to what
they do. If you've chased down all the different settings and can't
find the right combination the problem could be the fork springs.
It could be that you are too heavy or too light for the stock fork
springs and therefore may need to swap them out for different
spring rates.
If changing out the springs on a conventional dirt bike fork sounds
like an intimidating task, don't worry, it's not that hard. As
Michael from Vital MX demonstrates in the video below, the process
is rather straight forward. You don't even need to drain the fork
fluid, which saves time and reduces the chances of making a mess
everywhere. In fact, it's so clean and easy that Michael was able
to pull the fork leg apart and reassemble it in the middle of our
tire department.
While the procedure can be done with basic hand tools, it is highly
recommended that you get a
fork seal driver based on the diameter of your fork legs. A
fork seal driver will ensure that the seal gets evenly and firmly
seated into position without any damage or marring. Once you watch
this video you'll be motivated to tackle the job yourself and
finally get that suspension exactly how you want it.