Urgent Legislative Alert: Immediate Call For Protection Of Off-Highway Vehicles Program Funds

Chaparral Motorsports
March 9, 2017

The SEMA Action Network and other organizations are urging enthusiasts of off highway vehicles to voice their opposition for S.B. 249.

Overview: Legislation (S.B. 249) has been introduced to allow funds collected for California's Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMRV) program to be spent by other agencies on unrelated programs and never reimbursed.

You may use the following points in your message:

  • California's Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) program was established in 1971. California OHV user taxes and fees directly fund OHV management and facility maintenance. This self-sustaining program doesn't require general fund taxes.

  • The OHMRV program provides funds to local, state and federal agencies, educational institutions and nonprofit entities for OHV management on both federal and state lands.
  • S.B. 249 would allow OHMRV funds to be spent on unrelated programs, without any requirement to reimburse the funds.
  • S.B. 249 would threaten closure of existing OHV recreation areas and any new or expanded areas.
  • S.B. 249 would undermine the OHMRV program, a dedicated-funding program that has been a worldwide model of success. OHV use contributes an estimated $20 billion to the California economy.


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