New To You: 40,000 Acres To Be Opened For OHV In Glamis Dunes

Off road or Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) enthusiasts have a
big reason to celebrate this week, about 40,000 acres worth of
celebrating actually, as a large section of the Imperial Sand Dunes
Recreation Area-AKA Glamis-that had been off
limits will open up this coming fall.
For 14 years sections of the dunes had been closed in an effort to
protect an herb called the Peirson's Milk-vetch, which was listed
as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act. Last week
U.S. District Judge Susan Illston of the Northern District Court of
California in San Francisco upheld the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management's plan to remove most of the milk-vetch closure, opening
a large swath of sand right in the middle of the rec area.
The Glamis Sand Dunes are a top destination for ATV, UTV, and dirt bike
enthusiasts attracting riders from not only all over Southern
California but from across the country as well. While certain areas
will still be closed, the opening of these 40,000 acres will give
visitors nearly 130,000 acres to explore-ideal for the larger and
more powerful Side x Sides like the Polaris
RZR XP 4 1000 and Arctic Cat Wildcat 4X.