Ryno Ryder: The One Wheeled Electric Motorcycle

First it was the Segway, now the
electric, one-wheeled motorcycle (monocycle might be more fitting)
dubbed the Ryno, is looking to become the transportation method of
choice for city folk. Not to be confused with the four-wheeled,
off-road bruiser, Yamaha's UTV Rhino, this little tike emits zero
emissions and is operated much like the Segway with the operator
leaning forward to move forward and leaning back to slow down or
"The RYNO is a fun, efficient, and convenient way to get from place
to place," says Chris Hoffmann, CEO and founder of RYNO Motors.
"It's half the bike and twice the fun." With its small stature, low
cruising speed, and portability, Mr. Hoffman sees it a great mode
of transportation for short jaunts like around the city, across
campuses, and amongst office complexes. The Ryno's small footprint
allows it to travel onto subways or buses, inside elevators, or be
stored inside an office with minimal intrusion to others. And with
its ability to be charged via a normal AC outlet it seems to be
pretty user friendly. For many people, with its relatively
lightweight (160 pounds dry) the Ryno might be the ideal solution
for more compact/portable city living as opposed to a
scooter or smaller displacement motorcycle like a Suzuki
Boulevard S40.
Watching the Ryno video of Mr. Hoffman cruise
around the city of Portland it's quickly evident that the Ryno does
draw a lot of attention from curious onlookers-and even a motor
cop. While the rider still needs to maintain side-to-side balance,
the electronic self-balancing aspect of the cycle makes it
relatively easy for riders to get familiar with it, taking about an
hour to get used to and a few days to become a proficient rider. A
beginner setting limits speed to about 6pmh and the standard
setting unleashes the full speed of 10pmg. As far a distance
traveled on a full charge, that depends on rider weight, riding
style, and terrain, but can support up to ten miles of travel.
For those who have ever watched Animal Planet and thought it would
be a fun idea to ride a rhino, this may be as close as you'll ever
get. With a price tag of about $5,300, Ryno Motors is taking orders
on the machines, with a $150 refundable deposit, and plans to begin
producing the bikes in 2014.